...all things handmade with love by a mum with a
passion for making beautiful and spunkee stuff...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I have that horrible sick feeling…

5 years ago we holidayed in the UK and I loved the textured wallpaper that lined the walls of a few of the places we stayed at. It was like puff paint – raised and spongy – and there were some beautiful designs.
I was so excited when we went into a hardware store (I have no idea why we did that on our holiday!) and discovered rolls of wallpaper that you could tear off small samples for free! I collected a sample from every roll and carted it with me for the rest of the holiday, planning to do something with it when I got home. For 5 years it has been sitting in the cupboard waiting until I finally had an idea for it the other day. But when I went to the cupboard to get it out I could not find it. I have searched high and low throughout the house and I cannot find it anywhere. I had a big cleanup last year before Maya was born and I now have this vague memory of discussing with Sean whether I was actually going to do anything with the wallpaper samples or not. And now I can’t remember for the life of me whether I threw it out or put it away very, very safely. I have that horrible sick feeling I have thrown it out. Of all the junk in our house and of all the things I could have thrown out. Sigh…

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