I have seen these Sunshine Awards floating around blogworld for ages and now I am a recipient! Thank you Brenda! (at Mira Narnie)
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell a little about myself. Here is my 7-things-you-may-not-know-about-me list:
1. After 13 years being together, 8 of those years engaged, we are still not married. There have been far more exciting things to do like produce 2 beautiful children.
2. I had a stroke at the age of 27 about 7 years ago (just so you can work out how old I am!)
3. I work as a GIS Analyst (when I go back after maternity leave) and I studied Cartography at uni. (GIS = Geographic Information Systems and Cartography = map making)
4. If I’m not the first in bed every night, I get grumpy, feel uncomfy and have trouble sleeping.
5. I used to be a fairly organised person until the kids came along.
6. My mum’s middle name is Joy, my middle name is Joy and my daughter’s middle name is Joy.
7. I love the sunshine and follow it about as it moves throughout the day, particularly in winter. And of course summer is my favourite season.
Now to fulfil my obligation for receiving a Sunshine Award, I have to pass it on to some of my favourite blogs. A pretty difficult task when you follow so many blogs and I’m sure many of my favourites have already received this. Anyway here are just 5 of them:
Melissa at Clothwork
Tina at Tinkerbell’s Treehouse