But this week I thought I would give it a go and test other's reactions to it.
At one friend's house, I actually asked her if she minded whether I crochet while chatting. She didn't mind, but we were too busy chasing after children anyway. I also took my crochet to playgroup, but again there was more chasing children.
Then we were invited to a friend's house for dinner and I finally found the opportunity to crochet in front of my hosts. I happily crocheted while Maya had a breastfeed, Khye played and we chatted. There were no funny looks or comments (that I saw or heard) about my crocheting until Sean suddenly realised what I was doing (about an hour later mind you!).
"Renee! Put that away!" Our friend's laughed and said they thought it was a bit odd but that it was just what I do. They're right it is just what I do. Except I usually only do it in the comfort of my own home with only my family.
I did put the crochet away. I probably won't get it out again with visitors. It just feels wrong and I feel too consious that other people think it is rude. And I do care what other people think. I don't want to p___ them off, particularly friends and family. I guess it would would be a very different story if they had a passion for stitching as much as I do.
So where have your creative spaces been this week?
Interesting thought. I would find it great if someone brought out their craft while I was chatting with them.
But, maybe that's because I'm a crafter? Maybe it seems rude to others?? Dunno why though. It's being productive with your time ;)
Ooowww I love all the bright colors you have used in the crochet triangles, they would make a fabulous bunting for a kiddie winks room! Oowww you’ve just inspired me ;) thanks!
I crotchet at playgroup and family gathering, I guess I pick my event/people though. I hope no one thinks I am rude, I keep up with and am involved with the conversation. There are just always so many projects on the go and so little time. I feel like I should make the most of time I am just sitting around chatting!
I've only just started trying to stitch / knit in company. I like the idea. However I also am finding that I tend to be much more withdrawn when I do. I guess, as an introvert, it takes me more of an effort to interact with people, so maybe I should keep my stitching for family time :-)
Beautiful colours by the way!
I really can't see many people taking issue with it. The only reason I don't do it is that I can't keep track of where I'm at.
love the purple bits with the fluff.
those triangles are do great!! Well the poll is now closed and pretty much everyone thought it was fine, but I guess people that read my blog would so a skewed sample methinks. x
Wow - triangle crochet! I love it. It really would be a gorgeous bunting!
i am having triangle crochet envy! and I laugh and your dilemma of stitching around others....i crochet if I have family at my house and i often will take my crochet to their house to do an night whilst the little ones are asleep (as they live in regional vic)
....I would love to have friends drop by with a nappy bag and crochet bag in tow....i think it's great!
so that is interesting.
i guess confidence on doing this grows anyway, and in time no one will notice you're doing it, not even you, and then you're on your way! i actually think it is time well spent. considering my silly angle that crochet is like meditating (which i don't regularly do, btw), i do think handling a crochet orders thoughts (or a conversation) effortlessly.
now, your triangles look adoring. simply adoring. i once made a mobile with a.o. triangles. it worked a treat!
good luck with the social crochet! :)
I would love it..but that's because then it would be o.k for me to get something out too! Non crafty people might not get it though. What you're working on looks gorgeous! Hope you're having a wonderful week :)
I think it very much depends on the company. I often knit or crochet in an extended family setting, or with close friends, but I always take something simple that I don't have to think about too much, and can still participate in conversation. I think I'd probably be less likely to bring out sewing or embroidery though. Yarn-crafting in public just seems to be a bit more 'normal' I think!
I have the some problem, of crocheting in public, while I am at the coffee shop. New clients don't believe that I am the owner, and they look really strange at me when I crochet. At the beginning I felt a little awkward, but this is something I like to do. It makes me more happy, calm, sociable, so why shouldn't I do it?
I guess it's a personal choice and sometimes it is just better to keep it to yourself. But if I do that, I would never get to crochet again...
Btw, love the colors you used!
love your crochet. the triangles are ace. i crochet,stitch,knit whatever is going on really at kids sport etc. i don't think i would do it at someones house
or if we had visitors that weren't family. i think it's something to do with being in the moment and enjoying company and conversation
Maybe in my case it is just that I only socialise with a few people and I tend to know them well (or rather they tend to know me well :P) But when we do have people over whom I find are tedious or don't know well, it helps pass the occasion a lot more quickly that's for sure.
I am fascinated by this discussion. I crohet/knit whereever I am and have never given it a second thought. Until yesterday. We had a business assesment and forecasting meeting and Bren asked everyone there if they minded that I was knitting. I laughed. I think if anyone had said yes I would have left.
Your triangles are quite beautiful!
As for stitching in public... I, like Kate from Fox's Lane take my knitting/crochet with me wherever I go! On the bus, at polytech, I do not care who sees me and what they say! None of my friends have ever minded, and if they have, I have to admit I probably would keep on doing it!!!!! ;) tee hee! Glad to find your blog, it's lovely, looking forward to having a good look through XX
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