...all things handmade with love by a mum with a passion for making beautiful and spunkee stuff...
Monday, March 8, 2010
Stormy photos
Wow weren’t the storms in Melbourne wild? Out here we were only hit by the edges of the storm – bit of lightning, thunder, heavy rains and luckily no hail. But we did have some amazing clouds whipping up around us. And here is another stormy photo from a couple of months ago that I just thought I’d share. I’m playing along with Shadow Shot Sunday, but I don’t know that my shadow photos are going to stack up against Harriet’s and everyone else’s beautiful photos. I’ll give it a go anyway and keep my eyes peeled for beautiful shadows during the week.
All my spunkee products have been carefully designed and lovingly handmade. Every item is unique and has its own character defined by the materials used, colour, fibre content, texture and fabric stucture. Most materials are source from recycled and remnant fabrics, with most spunkee toys being made from soft wool fabric which have been prewashed and felted.
Thank goodness we were spared the destructive hail, the rain was lovely though!!
Great photo's! Wasn't it crazy, we had rain poring into our living room & spare room! Thank goodness for floorboards!
Wow such dramatic skies! Love the silhouettes of the trees against the stormy greys.
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